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Barnby & North Cove Primary School

News Articles

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  • Pumpkin Parade

    Published 18/10/24

    Pumpkin Parade today!

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  • Jubilee Celebrations!

    Published 27/05/22

    Jubilee Celebrations!

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  • Chestnut Class

    Published 20/05/22

    Jubilee Celebrations

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  • New Books have arrived!

    Published 06/04/22

    Each class has received a delivery of brand-new books to enhance and enrich their learning.

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  • Oak Class

    Published 18/03/22

    We talked about the war in Ukraine and watched some clips from Newsround to help us understand what is going on.

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  • Willow Class

    Published 11/02/22

    Willow Class have continued to read our class novel, Charlotte's Web

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  • Chestnut Class

    Published 11/02/22

    We have Chicks!!

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  • Willow Class

    Published 28/01/22

    Willow Class have had a great time exploring creative phrases with our writing

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  • Oak Class

    Published 21/01/22

    What do the Oak Class children shout when it is time for multiplication? "Array!"

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  • Chestnut class

    Published 14/01/22

    Circuit training in PE

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  • Acorn Class

    Published 14/01/22

    In Acorn class we have been using rhyming books to fuel our enthusiasm for maths.

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  • Christingles

    Published 17/12/21

    We have been making Christingles and learning about the different component parts.

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